by honorscholar | Mar 4, 2015 | Uncategorized
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by honorscholar | Nov 12, 2014 | Future Majors
For students who enjoy science and are particularly intrigued by living things, choosing a biology major makes sense. With a biology degree, there are a myriad of post-graduation career possibilities. Just ask your college career center or alumni office for a list...
by honorscholar | Nov 12, 2014 | Future Majors
“The business of America is business,” President Calvin Coolidge is claimed to have said back in the 1920s. That quote isn’t really accurate, but business schools around the country still turn out thousands of grads every year. Majoring in business might be popular...
by honorscholar | Nov 12, 2014 | Future Majors
Computer science professionals work with programming, data structures, and the mathematics behind computing. Because this field covers a wide swath of topics that may be only tangentially related, nearly all computer science students and professionals chose one or two...